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Deus (Latin pronunciation: [ˈdeːʊs]) is Latin for "god" or "deity". Latin deus and dīvus "divine", are descended from Proto-Indo-European *deiwos, "celestial" or "shining", from the same root as *Dyēus, the reconstructed chief god of the Proto-Indo-European pantheon. It's been ages since philosophers have truly pondered about the meaning of life. Scientists today study the nature of universe and its elements but something else, much more important, has escaped their grasp. The sentient-part…

Rumors of War

If there was a message in North Korea's launch of a new missile capable of reaching anywhere in the United States, it was that America's strategy toward that country is failing - and that war may be looming. But will the Atomic pulse come on an impulse of power? Or could its future-impact on our world be preordained?


Welcome. To. The. Future.

"Earth's powers are shaken."

"If we have…

Reviving A Human Being

Bringing the dead back to life is futuristic and final frontier of science and Humai is working on just that. Across religions and cultures, humans have attempted to bridge the gap between life and death. The human death rate is believed to be 100%. Everybody dies. Yet, that hasn't stopped us from trying to postpone death or to find ways to reverse it. But is it possible to bring back human beings…